11.08.2019: Dia a Dia #08
︎Dominique Viart
Urban wastelands: what we are unable to see (Jean Rolin, Philippe Vasset)
Dominique Viart is a French essayist and literary critic. He is a professor ofFrench literature at Université Paris-Nanterre and a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France. For Dia a Dia, he provided an extract of an article he wrote on Jean Rolin and Philippe Vasset. These two French authors are part of a growing body of text that he refers to as “Field literature”, meaning “writers who are no longer satisfied with telling or representing reality, but rather perceive literature as a means of experiencing and experimenting with it”.
See also:
[Day#01_Agathe Novak-Lechevalier]
[Day#08_Camille Fallet]
[Day#08_Peony Gent]